Sunday, October 14, 2007

What's On My Mind

Calculated Risk has been my favorite blog to read recently, but it has also been a new source of inspiration. I find the site fascinating because it covers all things finance and economics-related and appeals to a broad audience. Someone can come to the site and read some current financial or economic news along with some great insight. Or, a more interested individual can devour through the entire site, and end up with knowledge oozing out of them.

Well, this got me thinking about my own blog. This site is focused on investing, but mostly for those who are excited about the field. The average Joe passing by would probably quickly feel this site has nothing for him, and that is a shame because there are things I can teach them about, such as: 1) the impact of high management fees, 2) how heavy trading is probably only making your broker rich, and 3) the use of debt. So, I will try to also publish some important investment knowledge for a general audience in the near future. The goal is to get this across while still providing the same content for the more passionate readers.


Anonymous said...

The "Characteristics of Successful People" was a recent posting that the average Joe can find useful...

Anonymous said...

The key to success is to provide those basics that you want to provide, but not to lose the "black belt information" in your blog. Good basics can serve as an excellent reminder, motivator, and discipline booster for your more advanced readers. If you manage to have postings that cover those basics, but then quickly move on to the in-depth knowledge, your plan will work for both the average Joes and the more dedicated "enterprising" investors.

Nnejad said...

True, I am not saying I was completely isolating any group before. And I agree with the second comment on how I will be going about it. I think this quote summarizes what's been going on in my mind:

"The end of man is action not thought, though it be of the noblest"

The way I interpret that is that I can spend all day thinking about some of the big problems in this world or major macroeconomic trends, but in the end these are complex and might not lead anywhere. And in the meanwhile, there is so much that can be done today. So what are some things I am for, and want to do? Well, I like the idea of encouraging the exchange of information and knowledge, and I also think a lot of people today would be much better off with some understanding of finance and investment management. This blog on investing is a great base from which to work on both of those right here in the present, and I am going to try and take advantage of that.

Anonymous said...

To be the best value investors, it is clear that we should learn a tremendous amount of information from a diverse list of sources. I am counting on Rational Angle to be one of the key "funnels" of information.